
11:23 AM

Hello everyone!

My name's Grace, and this is my blog. I am, first and foremost, a Christian. I'm also a writer, musician, and overthinker, among other things.

I'm currently halfway through my senior year in high school. (No, I don't know what career I want, and no, I am not ready to adult -- not in the slightest.)


Some random facts about me:

  • I've been playing the piano for twelve years now.
  • Captain America is my favorite Avenger.
  • I am a huge grammar nerd.
  • I previously blogged on before making the switch to Blogger. (New year, new blog, right?)
  • Despite being allergic to dogs and cats, I love both.
  • My MBTI type is ISFJ.
  • I have a sister who also blogs. She is a wonderful li'l bean and my best friend in the entire world.

Here on this blog, you'll find musings, snapshots of things that strike my fancy, and other soft, beautiful things.

I hope to see more of you! Follow along -- it'd make my day.

Yours truly,

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  1. This is all so aesthetic and gorgeous. (Lalaithiel/Elle from Wordpress)

    1. REBEKAH/LALAITHIEL!!! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!! *hug* Thank you for your sweet words! The design was a pain to make, though. :P

      I just went through and read a few old Wordpress blog posts, but I need to do some serious catching up as soon as I finish all my college apps. I'll definitely keep up with your blog, though!

  2. This website is gorgeous! One of the reasons I used WP instead of Blogger is that I couldn't have Blogger look all pretty like this... and somehow you did? I love it. =) I'm really looking forward to watching it grow!

    1. Customizing the blog design definitely takes some trial and error, but it's (sorta?) doable! Thanks for your lovely words, Katherine!! <3

  3. Heyo grace!!!! Ah your blog is so pretty. I might have seen you around before on wordpress..... I was on wordpress then switched mid year AND BLOGGER IS SO MUCH BETTER.
    Ah captain America is the best. And I'm also a grammar nerd xD

    1. Aw thanks Hannah! *blushes* And Blogger really IS so much better!! I honestly don't know why I didn't make the switch sooner!

      A fellow Cap fan and grammar nerd?! YAY! *hug*

  4. I just found your blog, and it is SO PRETTY. I can't wait to follow along with your blog in 2017!!
    (and I am also a professional-overthinker. overthinkers unite!)

    xoxo, madeline

    1. Thanks Madeline!! ^.^ Hooray for overthinkers! I love your blog as well, by the way.

  5. HI AGAIN GRACE!! Your new blog is lovely and pretty :) I'm really excited to see what you post here. *hi fives for being a high school senior*

    1. Aw thanks for your lovely words Shanti! ❤️ I haven't been very good at keeping up with all my Wordpress friends, but I'm determined to do a better job this year! *high fives back*

  6. Hey Shar!! *waves* Yes, this blog is The One. I did do lots of moving around (I'm very indecisive -- ugh), but I'm planning on staying right here! And thank you so much!! ^.^

    Most of the design is a (free!) template, but I did design the header and tweak the coding a bit to change it up to my taste. And don't worry -- I don't have much knowledge about coding myself! There are lots of helpful tutorials online, though. 💕


no stealing

All the content on this blog is mine. Please do not steal any of my photography or words.


A word of warning: this blog is still under construction! Kindly disregard the glitches you may see here and there; I am still learning.

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